Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Prediction and Non-Prediction - Hopes for the Readee

Palmreading, in India, is called "Hasta Saamudrika Shasthra" or "Hasta Jyotishya".The "Jyothishya" or "Shasthra" mainly emphasizes on predicting the future, mostly related to marriage, children, win/lose in a election, purchasing a house, foreign travel,litigation, fame-name, money etc. But, not a deep, detailed and worldwide accepted theory have been established on identifying the timelines of the events, nature of the events using palm reading (Which is even open for debate).

The size of the hand, the direction of the the lines varies from person to person. There isn't a fixed scale which says - a point on a line at this position of (x,y) co-ordinate would occur at this age. However, an approximate guess with few +/- years(!) can be foretold. Then, what's the use? Someone would come for a palm reading, 'coz, in most of the cases, he/she is in a troubling situation and would like to see if future has any hopes for him/her and if so when is it? 

The situation is quite understandable.  All the questions/expectations, which I mentioned  above,which a readee would like to seek the answers for, are very important(to the him/her).  No denial on that part.  But, peeping into future and telling what's in there, is not the only way to fill hopes in/help a human being. Let me enlarge the the matter and widen the perspective. When an event occurs in a person's life, note that its the person, as a human being, would live the life after the event. Also, its the same person who lived the life, before the event. The way one has been made up physically, mentally and emotionally so-far and the way one would act/react to these events physically, mentally and emotionally is what matters more than the occurrence of the event itself.
Let me take 2 examples:
1. Consider that a person was looking for a job and he gets it. The way he does the assigned tasks at job is the same way he would do the job elsewhere in his life. The style of execution, the confidence in himself, the social networking etc would remain the same BEFORE and AFTER getting the job. The job has helped him in changing his financial status. But, the way he utilizes the money BEFORE the job and AFTER the job is the same. If he was a stingy, he would be worried of losing the salary he is earning and try to save more. If he was spendthrift then the  salary is still less for him. The core of his behavior remains the same.
2. Consider marriage, a very important relation in one's life. The way a person relates, trusts, enjoys, co-operates and respects is very important for the success of a marriage than just marrying. It is very much related to the way he relates to himself and many others in the life. There is always a possibility that he might get a bad partner( say a drunker, stingy, immoral person, non trustworthy). If that is the case, he should be in a position to have patience to make-up the other person or break the relation. This is also a way he relates.

The thing to note here is - the event occurs. But, the way one relates and responds to the event matters. Its the person who lives the life day-to-day before and after the event. So, having a better understanding of one's SELF, the likes-dislikes, the known and unknown fears, the questions such as - "why am I so and why not others or why am I not so and others are so?", the balances and imbalances in one's make up, comfortable approaches for a work style etc would be of great assistance in taking the control of life. This knowledge is profoundly reliving and encouraging. A good palm reading takes you for a journey into YOUR-SELF, shows you the known/unknown corners of your own psychological formation. One such journey, though non-predictive in nature, would definitely be greatly helpful, motivating and directional.Remember - "You're slave of the character/psychological formation, till you're unaware of it; The moment you're aware of it, its your slave and you can further moderate it".

In the last century, there has been plenty of study and research on palm reading, the finger prints and palmer glyphs. The study has established an in depth, qualitative direction to the study of palms. This is in depth and qualitative 'coz, the theories have been established and accepted and psychologically (and many a times medically) rendered a great help.

In my upcoming articles, I would write on some examples from my reading sessions that has helped the readee's in getting a better understanding of the self.
I welcome your feedback and criticisms.


  1. Inspirational thoughts for a newbie. But where are your upcoming articles? Keep writing please.

  2. Thank you Raheel.
    Definitely, they are on the way, but, a bit delayed!! :)
    I'll surely update.

  3. Your articles are thought provoking and sincere. Keep posting more.
